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May 4, 2024

Jazz Hipster Corporation

2F, NO.512, Yuan-San Road, Chung-Ho District, New Taipei City 235, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Quality Assurance Department

Job Title:

Job Type

Full Time


Train in Taiwan, Work in Indonesia

About the Role

We are looking for candidates who will be placed among several divisions under the Quality Assurance Department. There are 3 divisions in this department namely: QEM, QAM, and IQM. The selected candidate will be trained and projected to become a supervisor in our factory in Majalengka with the following general job description (more details can be asked during the interview if you pass the CV screening).We are looking for candidates who will be placed among several divisions under the Quality Assurance Department. There are 3 divisions in this department namely: QEM, QAM, and IQM. The selected candidate will be trained and projected to become a supervisor in our factory in Majalengka with the following general job description (more details can be asked during the interview if you pass the CV screening). 

QEM Division 

1. 配合部門主管的指示,執行公司各項品質管理政策、目標計劃; Execute the quality regulations and plan based on the manager’s instructions. 

2. 實驗室工作之規劃與完善並不斷持續改善; Plan and improve the lab works. 

3. QE 人員培訓、指導及工作安排與監督; Train, guide and monitor quality engineers. 

4. 新產品實驗進度跟進與異常之處理; Follow the new product development and exception handling 

5. 公司儀器設備之整體管理(校驗、驗收、維修等); Manage the quality equipment, including calibration, maintenance and receiving. 

6. 擬定課內工作目標﹑計劃並定期檢查目標管理的執行狀況; Make work targets, plan and monitor the progress of targets. 

7. 督導課內成員遵循分司各項管理規章和制度。 Monitor team members to follow company’s regulations. 

8. 執行部門主管下達的工作指令並向其負責。 Execute the instructions from managers. 

9. 重大品質異常的處理, 並匯報(副)經理。 Manage the major quality issues and report to managers. 

QAM Division 

1. 負責公司出貨檢驗與客戶驗貨的品質控管、客戶反貴品質問題的協調處理、協助公司品 質管理系統管理。 RoHs 合格供應商的判定與 RoHS 相關品質事件異常的整理。 Quality control of products outgoing, deal with customer complaint about quality, manage the company quality system. Judge and qualify the RoHs suppliers and deal with quality exceptions of RoHs quality issues. 

2. 修訂與完善品質管理制度、品質管理程序的擬訂書及工作說明。 Edit and complete quality systems and procedures. 

3. 負責樣品與量產成品出貨品質檢驗工作安排, 異常處理與 裁決, 並匯報經理;協助公司 內部 QPS 與 QSA 的定期稽核, 改善確認與持續改善確認 Arrange the quality inspection of samples and products, deal with exceptions, judge and report to managers. Audit regularly internal QPS and QSA, improve continuously. 

4. 負責公司內部製程生產線品質控管及修訂與完善制程品質制度﹑相關程序書及工作說 明、制程品質檢驗之相關工作, 異常處理與裁決, 並匯報經理  Quality control of production lines, improve quality systems, procedures and descriptions, deal with exceptions, judge and report to managers. 

5. 負責課內各種文件資料﹑報告﹑報表之審批工作。 Review all documents and reports. 

6. 負責課內人員招聘﹑訓練計畫、能力鑑定及績效考核。 Recruit, train, performance access team workers. 

7. 執行部門主管下達的指令, 協助各項管理的有效性。 Execute the instructions of managers. 

8. 協助重大品質問題積極的風險管理與消極的危機處理, 降低損失。 Manage risks of major quality issues, reduce loss. 

IQM Division 

1. 負責各類材料進料檢驗管理工作,包括但不限於檢驗標准、檢驗項目、檢驗方法等擬訂 以及檢驗工作分配、加班安排、檢驗治具儀器設備管理、樣品管理、文件管理等; Be in charge all incoming inspection of materials, make inspection criteria, inspection items, inspection methods, arrange inspection work, overtime work, manage inspection fixtures, equipment, samples and documents, etc. 

2. 負責執行供應商管理, 提升供應商品質水準,包括但不限於供應商的評審、輔導、考 評; Manage suppliers, upgrade supplier quality by auditing, accessing and coaching. 

3. 負責各階段,如進料、制程、出貨、客訴材料品質異常調查、分析、追蹤改善並向上級 主管報告; Investigate, analyze, follow up quality issues of incoming, in process, outgoing and customer complaining, and report to managers. 

4. 負責依據部門目標,擬定課內工作目標﹑計劃並定期檢討執行狀況,並向上級主管報 告; Make targets, plan and review the execution status according to targets and report to managers. 

5. 負責依據部門費用,擬訂課內費用預算及費用管控; Plan and control the budgets and expenses. 

6. 負責課內人員招聘、訓練、能力鑑定及績效考核; Recruit, train and performance access team workers. 

7. 負責督導課內成員遵循公司各項管理規章和制度。 Monitor and follow company regulations. 

8. 負責執行部門主管下達的工作指令並向其負責。 Execute the instructions of managers. 

9. 重大材料品質異常的調查與分析並向上級報告。 Investigate and analyze major quality issues and report to mananger.


  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as Business Administration, Industrial Engineering/Management, Engineering, or related disciplines.

  • Fluency in English is an advantage.

  • Proficiency in Mandarin is highly preferred.

  • Prior experience in any of the following divisions: Material Department (Production Planning, Purchasing, Material Control, Warehouse), Quality Assurance Department (QEM, QAM, IQM), Production Technology Department (IE, PE, TE), or Speaker Driver Production Division is advantageous.

  • Alternatively, a master's degree from a Taiwanese university is prioritized.  Strong organizational and communication skills.

  • Ability to work collaboratively and coordinate tasks across different departments.

  • Familiarity with SAP system is a plus.

  • Experience in project management and goal-setting.

  • Demonstrated ability to analyze data and generate reports.

  • Flexibility and adaptability to handle diverse tasks and responsibilities.

  • Willingness to relocate to Majalengka and undergo training for a supervisor role within the company. About the Company

About the Company

Jazz Hipster Corporation is a professional speaker manufacturer established in 1981 to meet market demands and embrace human evolution. With over 40 years of experience, we have evolved, led, and grown with the acoustic industry. We offer a wide range of ODM/OEM product lines and solutions, including Video/Audio Conference Series, Home Theater Series, Speaker Driver and s, and Healthcare Speakers. We also provide loT speaker solutions with high-demand flexibility. Our mission is to provide innovative products, reliable quality, and high-standard acoustic technology to gain our clients' long-term trust. Our vision is to be the first choice of an exquisite audio partner and an expert in acoustics. Our headquarters are located in New Taipei City, Taiwan. We are proud to announce that we will be building our new factory located in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia.

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